First week results: ~1 million rolls and new features

First off, you're amazing!

I didn't anticipate the game getting so much attention, and I'm extremely grateful to you all. And to think, it's just the alpha version! I'd like to share some numbers with you:

1. You've rolled the gacha 1 MILLION times and obtained a huge amount of cards! 492 of you have become the proud owners of Legendary cards.

2. You've won nearly 100,000 tickets.

3. Almost 7,000 players have registered from all over the world, and the numbers are growing. We've reached over 120 players online at peak times!

Now, regarding what has changed in the game and how it all works:

1. Affinity Rebalance

Now, the number of interactions required for a card to advance to a new relationship level depends on its rarity. Acquiring a Legendary card "In Love" has become much easier (it was almost impossible before), while obtaining a Common one is slightly harder than before. As a reminder, there are 5 levels of Affinity in the game: Indifferent -> Curious -> Friendly -> Affectionate -> In Love. Also, relationship progress is now shown with a progress bar, so you can see it clearly.

2. Gems

Now, as a token of appreciation, the beauties give players precious gems. The higher the Affinity level and the rarity of the card, the more gems you receive. Currently, this currency only affects your ranking, but in the future, you will be able to use it to buy something useful. So keep on rolling!

3. Dungeons

Dungeons have appeared in the game - these are multiplayer challenges where players can test their luck in battles against monsters to earn Honor and loot tickets and gems. Any player can randomly discover a Dungeon while rolling, and all others can join until the entry closes (you have 60 seconds for this). Random monsters of varying strength enter the battle, and if a monster's strength is lower than the player's, the player moves to the next level. Although you can encounter any monster at any dungeon level, the deeper you go, the higher the chance of bumping into something nightmarish, but the potential rewards are also greater. If a player is defeated by a monster, they only receive honor; if they choose to Escape in time or the Dungeon ends, they take the loot. Additionally, a defeated player is pulled out of the dungeon by one of his beauties, who then takes damage. That's why you can't enter a dungeon without a girl who is ready to fight for you ("In Love"). If the damage exceeds the beautie's health (which depends on her rarity), she will receive wound points.

4. Wound Points

Wounds are healed one at a time with each subsequent encounter with a beauty, and once fully healed, she can fight again. The number of these points also depends on the card's rarity, with rarer cards recovering faster.

5. Strength

Now, each beauty has a Strength value, and their total determines your squad's strength in the Dungeon. Only the strength of girls who are uninjured and "In Love," meaning ready to fight for you, is considered.

6. Honor

Honor is a measure of a player's prestige and luck, which can only be increased in one way - by fighting in Dungeons. It's the second most important indicator for the Leaderboard.

7. Leaderboard

Speaking of which, the game now features a Leaderboard and the chance to make your mark on it. The completeness of your collection is the primary factor, followed by honor, then the total amount of Affinity.

8. Chat

The in-game chat has not only been introduced but has also received a major update with improved usability and channels. And what a wonderful community there is! Don't hesitate to join in! :)

9. Spicy Versions

The game now includes an option to "undress" the girls, acquiring an alternative version of the card when reaching the final level of Affinity ("In Love"). Not all cards have this feature yet, but they're being added gradually.

10. Grace

Many have been asking about Grace, so here's an explanation of this system. With each roll, Grace can either be gained or lost. It's dependent on nothing but your luck, and the fact that each subsequent level has a reduced chance of acquisition.

11. Miscellaneous

It's been a very hectic period, and the game has significantly improved. In addition to what's been described above, there are countless bug fixes, UI enhancements, and other things I might have forgotten. Also, a new 52nd card (Legendary) has been added. By the way, the game now has a Discord, so feel free to join; I'd be happy to hear your feedback and impressions of the game and answer any remaining questions. And we now have a Standalone App for Windows!

All of this effort was intense: seeing the game's popularity, I rushed to enhance it since it was a very early version, which led to little sleep, extreme fatigue, and a backlog of work duties. Therefore, I want to slow down a bit now, and updates will become a bit less frequent.

And, guys, this is my first independent game (although I've been involved with games), and I'm putting a lot of effort and care into it. You can help me out by 💖subscribing on Patreon (if you haven't already) and ⭐ rating the game on

Disclaimer: This information is accurate as of the time of writing this post, and if you're reading it much later, some things might have changed.

Now, I need to return to my primary job for a week, after which (likely over the weekend) I'll continue working on the game. See you soon!

With love, Razzzel!


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